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Mr. Aman Sanghi

Assistant Professor in ECE

Collaborative and results-driven and performing research duties looking for a challenging new opportunity to educate collegiates.

Research Interest :  Wireless Communication. | Microprocessor & Microcontroller


Pursuing Ph.D. from MRIIRS ,Faridabad.

M.Tech (ECE) from Thapar University in 2006.

B.Tech (ECE) from BRCM College of Engg. & Tech. Bahal, Bhiwnai, Haryana


- Working as Assistant Professor at Dronacharya Group of Institutions, Greater Noida
- Worked as an Assistant Professor at GNIT (IPU Campus), Greater Noida
- Worked in Rawal Institutions, Faridabad
- Worked in NGF College of Engg. & Tech., Palwal
- Worked inVindhya Telelinks Ltd., New Delhi
- Worked in Innovation Communications systems Ltd, Hyderabad

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