Reviewer in Recent Advances in Electrical, Electronics and Healthcare technologies, REEDCON 2023 (IEEE Conference).
Attended one week workshop on Technological Advancements in Digital Health Care from 1st Feb. to 7th Feb.2023 at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi.
Attended one-week online AICTE-QIP Sponsored Short Term Course on “Issues and Challenges of Grid Connected Renewable Energy Sources (ICGCRE-22)” during 21st to 25th Feb. 2022.
Attended 5 days FDP on Emerging Trends in Electronics and Communication Engineering at Bharti VidyaPeeth college of engineering, Delhi from 12 to 16th July 2021.
Attended one day workshop on Python conducted by NMEICT - IIT Bombay on 22nd June 2019.
Attended one day workshop on Scilab conducted by NMEICT - IIT Bombay on 4th May 2019.
Attended one day workshop on Moodle conducted by NMEICT - IIT Bombay on 15th March 2019.
Attended workshop on Control System conducted by IIT Kharagpur from 2nd to 12th Dec. 2014.
Attended seminar on Virtual Labs(Basic Electronics, Digital Electronics and Microwave) conducted by IIT Delhi on 11th Nov.2014.
Attended workshop on Step 2 Research from19th to 20th sept. 2014.
Attended workshop on Power System Operation and Control on 9th August 2014.
Two weeks ISTE Workshop on Computer Programming under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India) conducted by IIT, Kharagpur in June 2014.
Attended Faculty Induction Program conducted by NITTTR, Chandigarh from 13th to 18th Jan. 2014.
Attended workshop on Microcontroller based Embedded conducted by NITTTR, Chandigarh from 6th to 10th Jan. 2014.
Attended workshop on Statistical Product and Service solutions on 30th Nov.2013.
Attended workshop on “PSO optimization Technique” on 26th Nov 2013.
Attended workshop on Network Security and Firewall conducted by NITTTR, Chandigarh 18th to 22nd Nov.2013.
Attended workshop on Analog electronics conducted by IIT Kharagpur/Bombay from 4th to 14th June 2013.
Attended seminar on ESDM-Electronic System Design & Manufacturing on 6th April 2013.
Attended workshop on Robozest conducted by IIT Guwahati from 23rd to 24th March 2013.
Attended seminar on Intellectual Property Rights on 12th March 2013.
Attended workshop 2 days workshop on Educational & Industrial applications of MATLAB 6th Feb to 7th Feb 2013.
Attended workshop on PLCS and SCADA on 14th March 2012.
Attended workshop on Embedded system and VHDL Feb 2012.
Attended 13 Webinars conducted by IEEE.
Attended seminar on Opportunities for electronics engineers on 19th April 2012.
Attended national conference on Advancement in LASER, NIEC, GGSIPU on Aug.2008.
Attended national conference on Latest trends in VLSI and Advancements in LASER technology, NIEC, GGSIPU on Feb.2007.
Faculty development program organized by AIT on VLSI and latest developments in VLSI.