Kumar, Saket, and Raghvendra Gautam. "Energy and exergy assessment of diesel-tallow biodiesel blend in compression ignition engine for engine design variables." Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 57 (2023): 103305. (Elsevier, Impact Factor: 8) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seta.2023.103305
Gautam, Raghvendra, and Saket Kumar. "Performance and combustion analysis of diesel and tallow biodiesel in CI engine." Energy reports 6 (2020): 2785-2793. (Elsevier, Impact Factor: 5.2) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2020.09.039
Kumar, Saket, and Raghvendra Gautam. "Prospects of Factor Affecting Biodiesel Selection Strategies Based on Various Aspects: An Indian Perspective." Journal of Engineering Research (2307-1877) (2022). (Elsevier, Impact Factor: 1.25) https://doi.org/10.36909/jer.ICAPIE.15043
Kumar, Saket, Raghvendra Gautam, and Manish Kumar. “Multi-aspect assessment and multi-objective optimization of preheated tallow biodiesel-diesel blend as alternate fuel in CI engine”, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy. Manuscript ID: EP-24-015. (in-Press) (Wiley, Impact Factor: 2.8)
Agrawal, T., Gautam, R., Agrawal, S., Singh, V., Kumar, M., & Kumar, S. (2020). Optimization of engine performance parameters and exhaust emissions in compression ignition engine fueled with biodiesel- alcohol blends using taguchi method, multiple regression and artificial neural network. Sustainable Futures, 2, 100039. (Scopus, Impact Factor: 5.5) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sftr.2020.100039
Sikha, D., Gautam, R., & Kumar, S. (2021). Performance And Combustion Analysis of Diesel And Sesame Biodiesel In Small Capacity Diesel Engine. Design Engineering, 4923-4938. (Scopus)
“Assessing Exergetic and Sustainability Parameters of Tallow Biodiesel-fueled Diesel Engine”, ICERTSD 2023- 2nd International Conference on Energy Resources and Technologies for Sustainable Development, IISER, Shibpur, Howrah, India, held on 27-28 April, 2023.
“One-dimensional modeling and simulation of injection parameters on the combustion, knocking, and emissions behavior for biofuel” ICMME-2023 jointly organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, GLA University, Mathura (India) and UFRGS, Porto Alegre (Brazil) held on 13th – 14th October 2023.
“Effect of Sesame Oil Biodiesel Blends on the Performance and Combustion of CI Engine” NHSEMH 2023 organized by Department of Mechanical, Civil, MBA, IIMT College of Engineering, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India held on 7-Feb-2023.