​Research Paper
Design and Performance Analysis of new Cryptographic Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks & Broadcasting Applications Security [http://www.ijaiem.org/Volume3Issue11/IJAIEM-2014- 11-29-112.pdf]
Design of a New Cryptographic Algorithm for Development of secure real-time password enabled exchange communication for Indian Armed Forces [http://www.ijettcs.org/Volume3Issue6/IJETTCS-2014-12-25-156.pdf]
IMPORTANCE OF UNIFIED MODELLING LANGUAGE FOR TEST CASE GENERATION IN SOFTWARE TESTING [http://ijcta.com/documents/volumes/vol5issue2/ijcta2014050215.pdf]
Voice Enabled Robotic cum Prosthetic Arm for Disabled People [https://www.ijraset.com/fileserve.php?FID=35501]
Published a research paper in Quickmechnic [http://hustjournal.com/vol502021july-1/]
Published a research paper in PREVENTION AND SAFETY FROM COVID-19 USING RFID [http://hustjournal.com/vol502021july-1/]