
Deepak Kumar, Pushpendra Singh, Qasim Murtaza & R S Walia, “Synergistic effect of Al2O3–40%TiO2 coating on thermal conductivity and corrosion rate of SS 304 substrate.” Sadhana, Springer 48, 266 (2023).
Deepak Kumar, R. S. Walia, Pushpendra Singh and Qasim Murtaza. "Tribological behaviour of thermally sprayed ceramic coating at high temperature." International Journal of Materials Research,114, 9, (2023)773-782.
Deepak Kumar, Qasim Murtaza, R. S. Walia, and Pushpendra Singh. "Comparative investigation on thermally sprayed Al2O3, Al2O3–13%(TiO2) and Al2O3–40%(TiO2) composite coatings from room to 400° C temperature." Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties 10, no. 1 (2022): 015043.
Rahul Yadav, Rahul Kumar Sah, Pulkit Mann, Deepak Kumar, and Pushpendra Singh. "Study of Thermal Conductivity of NiCrFeSi Based Ceramic Composite Coating." Optimization of Industrial Systems, Wiley (2022): 545-553.
Raviratna Subir, Rishabh Goswami, Vikrant Singh, Deepak Kumar, and Pushpendra Singh. "Construction and Validation of a Low-Cost Thermal Conductivity Measurement Device." In Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Technology, pp. 419-427. Springer, (2022).
Mohit Tyagi, Dilbagh Panchal, Deepak Kumar, and R. S. Walia. "Modeling and Analysis of Lean Manufacturing Strategies Using ISM-Fuzzy MICMAC Approach." Operational Research in Engineering Sciences: Theory and Applications 4, no. 1 (2021): 38-66.
Arnuv Mishra, Deepak Kumar, Mohd Shuaib, Mohit Tyagi, and Ravi Pratap Singh. "Measurement of Critical Factors: A Case of Telecommunication Industry." In Operations Management and Systems Engineering, pp. 259-274. Springer,(2021).
Manmeet Jha, Deepak Kumar, Pushpendra Singh, R. S. Walia, and Qasim Murtaza. "Characterization of Ni-Based Alloy Coating by Thermal Spraying Process." In Advances in Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering, pp. 825-834. Springer, (2021).
Deepak Kumar, S. M. Pandey, Qasim Murtaza, Pushpendra Singh, and R. S. Walia. "Tribological analysis of increasing percentage of CrC content in composite coating by atmospheric plasma spray technique." In Optimization Methods in Engineering, pp. 99-113. Springer,(2021).
Deepak Kumar, Mohd Shuaib, Mohit Tyagi, R. S. Walia, and Pushpendra Singh. "Mapping of Critical Success Factors for Sustainable Supply Chain Performance System." In Optimization Methods in Engineering, pp. 35-52. Springer, Singapore, (2021).
Deepak Kumar, Mohd Shuaib, Mohit Tyagi, R. S. Walia, and Pushpendra Singh. "Mapping of Critical Success Factors for Sustainable Supply Chain." Optimization Methods in Engineering: Select Proceedings of CPIE 2019, Springer (2020): 35.
Nikhil Gandhi, Abid Haleem, Mohd Shuaib, and Deepak Kumar. "Analysis of logistical barriers faced by MNCs for business in Indian smart cities using ISM-MICMAC approach." In Smart Cities—Opportunities and Challenges, pp. 571-582. Springer, Singapore, (2020).
Deepak Kumar, Siddharth Jain, Mohit Tyagi, and Pradeep Kumar. "Quantitative assessment of mutual relationship of issues experienced in greening supply chain using ISM-fuzzy MICMAC approach." International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, Inderscience, 30,2 (2018): 162-178.
Deepak Kumar, Siddharth Jain, Mohit Tyagi, Pradeep Kumar, R. S. Walia (2016). “Assessment of Lean Manufacturing Strategies using Interpretive Structural Modelling Approach”, Contemporary Issues and Challenges in Management and Decision Sciences, pp.159-167 (ISBN: 987-81-932836-8-4).
Siddharth Jain, Deepak Kumar, Mohit Tyagi, RS Walia, “Parametric Assessment of GSCM systems using Graph Theory based Preference Rating Approach”, Business Analytics and Intelligence: A Compendium (ISBN: 9789385909542) (2016)