Workshop & FDP Attended

Attended One-Day seminar on “Noise Fundamentals, Measurements and Analysis” organized by Delhi Technological University,26th May 2023.
Attended Two Weeks AICTE sponsored ATAL-FDP on “Digital Manufacturing Technologies: Forecasting the future of Industry” organized by the Department of Production and Industrial Engineering, Punjab Engineering College EC Chandigarh, 09-20 January 2023.
Attended one-week FDP on “Clean Energy Manufacturing: Transformation for Sustainable Development” organized by AICTE-ATAL and Delhi Technological University, DTU, 04-08 October 2021
Attended one-week FDP on “Supply Chain Management: Tools and Technique” organized by the Department of Production and Industrial Engineering and TEQIP III, PEC Chandigarh, 06-10 July 2020.
Attended One Week International Lecture Series on “Bonding Modelling and Simulation (BMS 2018) FDP on Supply Chain Management: Tools and Technique” organized by TEQIP III, Delhi Technological University, 01-05 October 2018
Attended One Week FDP on “Precision Manufacturing and Circular Economy” organized by TEQIP III, Delhi Technological University, DTU, 04-08 June 2018